YouTube: The Prospering Power of Love

For our loved ones, we want to know that love is drawing to them that which is for their highest good and dissolving that which is not. If we hold this principle as the action of love, we can apply it to virtually every area of our life.

When we think of prosperity, we tend to think of finances. While a prosperous life certainly includes finances, we should not confine prosperity to just one area. Freedom from fear and worry, for example, is a prosperity demonstration. If we want to resolve a fear, we affirm love draws to us that which lifts us above our fear and dissolves all negative emotion that feeds the fear.

Our faculty of imagination is a wonderful tool that allows us to see beyond appearances, to dream our dreams, and accept that greater good is unfolding even when we do not see it. The imagination can also blow things way out of proportion and create imagined problems that, in reality, exist only in our own mind. A prosperous life is one that is free of the terrors generated by our negative imagery. We apply the principle of love by bringing our imagination under control. Regardless of what seems to be going on, we affirm that love is now drawing to us that which is for our highest good, and dissolving that which is not. What greater prosperity affirmation could we make?

To add a bit of intrigue to our prayer, we imagine the all-knowing mind of God as love is doing this perfect work. Solutions we have not even considered are set in motion. We not only visualize greater good unfolding, we do it with the anticipation of pleasant surprise. My imagined solution may be good, but what if I let God do the choosing? As Jesus said, it will come back,

“…good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” Luke 6:38

Though we use the month of February to focus on love, we know the principle is working through us at all times. This moment is the time to tap the prospering power of love.