Twelve Steps to Spiritual Recovery
Step 3
I affirm that I am guided by the infinite wisdom of God.
Divine Guidance
I affirm that I am guided by the infinite wisdom of God.
Learning to trust the positive direction of an activity we cannot see is an important aspect of spiritual recovery. The activity we cannot see is the quiet working of Spirit guiding our every step. Unlike hope that leaves room for doubt, trust is a definite set of the mind, an intuitive assurance that the thing we affirm is true.
We have learned that water always seeks the lowest level. As we sit mesmerized before a waterfall, we take for granted the fact that the water is fulfilling an irrefutable law of physics. Its nature and environment propel it to the lowest level possible.
In a similar way, Spirit is also governed by law. In this case, it is the law of expansion. The life, love, power, and intelligence of God is seeking to always expand through each of us. Like water, it finds the path of least resistance. We use spiritual affirmation to create in our consciousness a path of least resistance to the expansive activity of Spirit.
You have probably seen an irrigation ditch that has become so silt-bound that the water barely flows through. It becomes necessary to dredge out the silt so the canal can do what it was created to do. Negative mental and emotional states can act as a kind of silt in our consciousness. When you affirm that you are being guided by the infinite wisdom of God, you are agreeing to dredge out the mental and emotional states that hinder your experience.
When you think of your life, see yourself as an open canal that allows Spirit to do its expansive work through you. As you affirm that you are guided by the infinite wisdom of God, feel all doubt, fear, and feelings of uncertainty fall away. Know that the life, love, power, and intelligence of Spirit are all doing their perfect work in you now.