Return of the Steady State

YouTube: Return of the Steady State Astronomer Fred Hoyle (1915-2001) was a proponent of a theory of creation known as the “steady-state model”. It is interesting that he favored this theory over the “big bang”, though he was actually...

How To Win the Waiting Game

YouTube: How to Win the Waiting Game When Jesus told Pilate that his kingship was not of this world, the average reader assumes he was referring to the coming of the long-anticipated kingdom of God. To the mystic, he was referring to a different way of experiencing...

From Religion to Spirituality

YouTube: From Religion to Spirituality, The Quest for Spiritual Authenticity Nearly all of us who have come into a more direct study of spiritual principles have some type of religious background. For whatever reason, we have stepped from that path and pursued one...

The Trinity Revisited

YouTube: The Trinity Revisited On occasion people will ask me about the Trinity. They usually say they understand the ideas of the Father and the Son, but they aren’t so sure about the Holy Spirit. Though a formal presentation of the Trinity is not put forward...

Tapping Into the Mind of God

YouTube: Tapping Into the Mind of God It is becoming increasingly clear to a certain camp of physicists that omnipresent Consciousness is a fundamental element of the universe. This is not a new idea. “Panpsychism is the view that mentality [consciousness] is...

Healing Light

YouTube: Healing Light This week, the subject of healing has been raised a couple of times, a signal to me that it’s time to revisit this topic. Healing, like prosperity, harmony in relationships, peace of mind, or any desired condition, begins at a specific point...