
Youtube: Imagination Five Faculties for Effective Prayer In my book, The Complete Soul, I name the five faculties we’ll be covering in this series on prayer. I’ve labeled them executive faculties because we choose how we use them. Imagination, faith, judgment, will,...

Understanding the Way

Youtube: Understanding the Way The book of Acts tells us that before the followers of Jesus were called Christians, they were known as followers of the Way. I like to think of the Way as a body of principles taught by Jesus. These rest on the bedrock of understanding...

Resurrection or Resuscitation?

Youtube: Resurrection of Resuscitation? “Where I am going, you cannot come.”John 8:21 Critical scholars have long understood that while some events recorded in scripture have their basis in history, the writers used these facts to support their own narrative. The...

Understanding the Seed Self

Youtube: Understanding the Seed Self Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.John 12:24-25...

Self Love is Your Divine Birthright

Youtube: Self Love is Your Divine Birthright  Erika Satie In this day and age, we are bombarded with the mindset that our value comes from the outside world and that what our friends, partners, and coworkers think of us is of utmost importance. I don’t know about...

Why No Program?

Dear friends, You’ve probably noticed by now that I didn’t post last Sunday’s episode. I woke up Sunday morning with a very sore throat and no voice. Audrey, Diane, and Bev figured out how to do the live service, so that was all good. I anticipate...