The Gift of Life

YouTube: The Gift of Life The energy that we call life is a mystery. When materially based science attempts to trace life to its origins, they look to the fossil record. The earliest life forms were apparently single celled creatures that inhabited the oceans. Through...

The Resurrection Revisited

The Resurrection Revisited, Part 1 In this episode, Lisanya and I discuss the topic of resurrection, its meaning as applied to Jesus and as it applies to us today. The gospel writers advocated a physical resurrection. Paul advocated a spiritual resurrection—sown a...

The Tie That Binds

YouTube: The Tie That Binds “Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”. (Matthew 16:19). I have always been curious about how Matthew connected this saying to Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the...

Manifestation Principles

YouTube: Manifestation Principles J Douglas Bottorff It occurs to me that the ministry of Jesus focused on helping people experience better health, prosperity, and more harmonious relationships by applying spiritual principles. As I began jotting these down, I quickly...

The Reluctant Messiah

Podcast: Episode 3: The Reluctant Messiah In this episode we explore the notion of Jesus as Messiah. Even though the gospel writers portrayed him in this way, we explore some of the reasons Jesus himself might have rejected the role. “Perceiving then that they were...

Breaking the Sin Connection

YouTube: Breaking the Sin Connection The Jews of Jesus’ day saw a strong connection between disease and sin. The best example of this belief is when a young man, blind from birth, was brought to Jesus with the question, Who sinned, this man or his parents that he was...