by admin | Mar 26, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: The Spiritual Principle of Nonresistance “Do not resist one who is evil.” (Matthew 5:39) This week I was asked if I could share some thoughts on the spiritual principle of nonresistance. My understanding of nonresistance is that it does not mean we are to...
by admin | Mar 19, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: The Jewish Mystic “I am in the Father and the Father is in me” (John 14:11). In her classic work, Mysticism, Evelyn Underhill summarizes the mystical way as, “… the art of establishing a conscious relation with the Absolute.” Jesus referred to the Absolute as...
by admin | Mar 12, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: Peace and Freedom When we pray for anything—a health challenge, a prosperity issue, or a difficulty in relationships—it is important to remind ourselves what we are actually praying for. In nearly every case, we can reduce our need to peace of mind and...
by admin | Mar 5, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: Stirring The Pot Chemicalization: Mix vinegar and baking soda and you’ll witness a bubbling agitation that results in a new compound: carbon dioxide. “This is a good illustration of what takes place sometimes in the minds and bodies of people. Suppose a man...
by admin | Mar 1, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: IU #Shorts: This Now Moment IU #Shorts is a new feature we’re offering. These are sixty second excerpts from talks that serve as reminders and also as short snippets you can share with others. If you like this feature and are subscribed only to this...
by admin | Feb 26, 2023 | Sunday Talks
YouTube: The Ultimate Destination: Understanding the Goal of Spiritual Guidance When we think of the goal of spiritual guidance, we may see it in terms of getting help making our way to some desired outcome. It is this, of course, but it is something more. We’re...