Stirring The Pot

YouTube: Stirring The Pot Chemicalization: Mix vinegar and baking soda and you’ll witness a bubbling agitation that results in a new compound: carbon dioxide. “This is a good illustration of what takes place sometimes in the minds and bodies of people. Suppose a man...

IU #Shorts: This Now Moment

YouTube: IU #Shorts: This Now Moment IU #Shorts is a new feature we’re offering. These are sixty second excerpts from talks that serve as reminders and also as short snippets you can share with others. If you like this feature and are subscribed only to this...

The Ultimate Destination

YouTube: The Ultimate Destination: Understanding the Goal of Spiritual Guidance When we think of the goal of spiritual guidance, we may see it in terms of getting help making our way to some desired outcome. It is this, of course, but it is something more. We’re...

Spiritual Affirmation

YouTube: Spiritual Affirmation As we saw last week, spiritual denial is the deliberate act of pulling our attention and power out of negative reactions to life’s events. Spiritual affirmation is the assertion, through visualization, word, and feeling, of a greater...

Spiritual Denial

YouTube: Spiritual Denial: What It Is and How To Use It The word deny has two familiar meanings. The first example is when a person refuses to admit the truth. Did you eat the last cookie? No. The second is to refuse to give something that is requested. Can I have...

YouTube Shorts

A feature known as YouTube shorts (videos 60 seconds or less) has gained great popularity on the YouTube venue. Below are three examples I’ve created. My thought is to post a couple of key points from each talk throughout the week. These easily digestible bytes...