The Transformation

YouTube: The Transformation Eric Butterworth, Unity minister and author of the bestselling book, Discover the Power Within You, maintained that the religion of Jesus had been transformed into a religion about Jesus. I concur. The question is, what would cause...

The Spiritual Side of Morality

YouTube: The Spiritual Side of Morality Do unto others and you would have them do unto you. Forgive those who trespass against you. Love your enemy. Pray for those who persecute you. What do these statements share in common? First, they have to do with moral behavior....

Empowered By God

YouTube: Empowered By God, A Closer Look At Spiritual Power In addressing this topic of empowerment, I want to go back to the river illustration I used a few weeks ago. There are two things about this river analogy that we need to be clear on. First, we are not...

The Truth About Karma

YouTube: The Truth About Karma Someone raised the subject of karma, and whether we should consider it a factor in the way our life unfolds. In other words, should we think of negative conditions as karmic payback for something negative we may have done in the past?...

Peace of Mind, Freedom from Fear

YouTube: Peace of Mind, Freedom from Fear As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our nation, our thoughts turn to the meaning of peace and freedom. I have said, and it’s worth repeating, that the true goal behind most everything we seek is peace of mind and...

Three Steps to Letting Go

YouTube: Three Steps to Letting Go What is the difference between ignoring an issue and letting it go? I once spoke to a woman who complained that her boyfriend often made demeaning remarks that she thought were intended to keep her in her place. “How do you handle...