Spiritual Enlightenment

YouTube: Spiritual Enlightenment, What It Means This week someone asked me what I thought it meant to be spiritually enlightened. Is it a state we reach or is it an understanding that we are unlimited beings that will never reach a spiritual stopping place? Great...

My Truth?

YouTube: My Truth? My truth. What does this mean? With 8 billion people on this planet, are we to assume there are 8 billion truths? I think not. There are 8 billion perceptions of Truth. If I am growing, my truth today will not be my truth tomorrow. In my book on...

Birth From On High

YouTube: Birth From On High Unity uses the term Christ is the essence of God individualized in each of us. However, we have accepted as the basis of our identity ideas of lack and limitation. These have found expression in our minds, our bodies, and our circumstances....

Let There Be Light

YouTube: Let There Be Light Our fourth and final topic in the Advent series is intelligence, which manifests as order. We’ve all seen patterns in nature such as the amazing design of the nautilus, the petals of a flower, or the colors of the rainbow. It is difficult...

Empowerment From On High

YouTube: Empowerment From On High When we think of power in connection with God, we may envision the Almighty throwing mountain-splitting lightning bolts, or something of that nature. Or when we think of powerful people, we may think of those who possess great wealth...

The Attracting and Dissolving Action of Love

YouTube: The Attracting and Dissolving Action of Love “Love draws to us that which is for our highest good and dissolves that which is not.” J Douglas Bottorff Week two in our Advent series addresses the spiritual resource of love. When we think of the attractive and...