The Hidden Treasure

Youtube: The Hidden Treasure The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44 What treasure do you suppose Jesus is referring to? I just...

The Religion Factor

Youtube: The Religion Factor There is something to be said for the increased level of morality that religious training inspires in people. For some, however, the motivation to do good is often driven by fear of the consequences for doing otherwise. For centuries, the...

The Adventure Begins

Youtube: The Adventure Begins “Do not be deceived by dimples and curls. I tell you that babe is a thousand years old.”Ralph Waldo Emerson We began our life on earth with an innate curiosity toward the world around us. As our senses developed, we found we had a natural...

The Rule of Order

Youtube: The Rule of Order Part 5 of 5 Steps of the Manifestation Process “Do calmly, without excitement, whatever the circumstance seems to require. This will lead to the further unfolding of other circumstances in the same direction. By addressing each one as it...

Doing the Work

Youtube: Doing the Work Part 4 of 5 Steps of The Manifestation Process Wait until some circumstance pointing in the desired direction begins to show itself. It may be small, but it is the type and not the magnitude of the circumstance that is important. This is the...