The Great Revelation

Youtube: The Great Revelation In the previous lesson, we saw that Esau represents the physical aspect of our consciousness, while Jacob represents the mental side that is awakening to the spiritual dimension. In a moment of hunger, Esau swears he will sell his...

An Evolution of Values

Our Journey Home Series Youtube: An Evolution of Values The Bible can be read on many levels. The literalist will read it as history. The scholar will read it as the product of the human mind setting forth religious and cultural values. The metaphysician will treat...

The Holy Breath

Our Journey Home Youtube: The Holy Breath In the Old Testament, when we see the terms Lord, Lord God, or Jehovah, the Hebrew word being translated is Yahweh. When we see the word God, the underlying Hebrew word is Elohim. If we turn to the first two chapters of...

The Prayer of Knowing

Our Journey Home series Youtube: The Prayer of Knowing “And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.”...

A Personal Matter

Youtube: A Personal Matter The question was raised about whether we will always retain our personality, even after we step from the body. NDE research indicates overwhelmingly that we retain our sense of personal identity, and that we recognize others who have gone...