The Sin Factor

YouTube: The Sin Factor It doesn’t take much delving into the mainstream Christian narrative before we encounter the notion of sin. Christianity teaches that it provides the only means available that can save a person from the consequences of sin. Jesus, however,...

A Deeper Look at Jesus

YouTube: A Deeper Look at Jesus J Douglas Bottorff Last week I introduced three categories of sayings that we find in the Gospels: Straightforward, modified, and evangelical. A straightforward saying is one that represents a pure, dogmatically free spiritual...

The Way

YouTube: The Way For many of us, one of the most memorable and assuring passages in the Gospels is when Jesus prompted his audience to observe the wildflowers, how they do not labor but are still cared for and clothed in natural beauty (Luke 12:27). The assurance...

The Power of Stillness

12 Steps to Spiritual Recovery YouTube: Step 11: The Power of Stillness I set aside quality time daily to know the presence of God through quiet meditation. A well-known story from the Old Testament (1Kings 19:11-12) places the prophet Elijah on a mountain in the...

Step 10: Spirituality or Religion?

12 Steps to Spiritual Recovery YouTube: Step 10: Spirituality or Religion? I continue to examine my old religious beliefs and seek to recognize them when they interfere with my desire for greater freedom. Today, it is becoming more common to hear people declare that...