Be Ye Transformed

YouTube: Be Ye Transformed Myrtle Fillmore’s Healing Journey The Unity Movement was founded on prayer. Myrtle Fillmore, one of our co-founders, was a frail child who suffered from tuberculosis and was not expected to live a long life. She grew up hearing that her...

Praying For Others

YouTube: Praying for Others Last Sunday’s talk on The Prayer Principle sparked the very good question about praying for others. If prayer changes us, not God, how does praying for others work? In the ministry of Jesus, we see many examples of healing. On several of...

Podcast:Episode 05: Fact or Fiction

Youtube: Episode 05: Fact or Fiction In this episode, Lisanya and I discuss the power of using fiction to explore the sometime complex nature of spiritual ideas. As always, please hit the like button. Your comments are always welcome.

The Prayer Principle

YouTube: The Prayer Principle Someone has said, and I believe rightfully, that prayer does not change God, it changes us. This seems to agree with the statement of James, who referred to God as the “ … Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to...

The Perfection Trap

YouTube: The Perfection Trap When Jesus said we should be perfect as our heavenly father is perfect, we may think he was setting a pretty high bar. Sometimes just being good is a tough job. Being perfect? Living through one day without making a single mistake may be...