YouTube: When Prayer Fails

Most of us can recall times when we prayed for something, and our desired answer came about quickly and in a way that worked out well for everyone involved. Other times, it seems our prayer goes unanswered. Are we doing it right sometimes, and wrong others? Or is there some other reason our answers are not consistent?

You may remember Jesus in Gethsemane, where he prayed three times for a different outcome, to no avail. James says our prayers go unanswered because we pray amiss. As a teacher of the art of affirmative prayer, it would not seem likely that Jesus prayed amiss.

The Gospel accounts tell us that Jesus’ prayer went unanswered because God had bigger plans for him. Does this mean God wants me to endure this pain because there is a bigger plan? Is this financial setback thrust upon me to force me to open my eyes to greater possibilities? Did this relationship crumble because God doesn’t want me to be with that person?

The most productive response we can have to apparently failed prayer is to take a hard look at how we think prayer works. Are we attempting to get God to act, or are we doing everything possible to align our thoughts, our expectations, and our actions with the outcome we desire? There is no single answer to this question. However, if you believe in the power of prayer, you will take it upon yourself to find your answer. If you’ve had no success implementing all the prayer techniques given to you through books and teachers, then it may be time to let go of these and embark on your own quest to understand this important practice. Jesus had his character sell all his possessions to buy the treasure-bearing field. We know what others teach about prayer. What do we say it is, and how do we successfully employ it in our situation?

The way is not always apparent, but this does not mean that the answer we seek is unavailable. Ask, seek, knock until the door opens. If you say I did these things and still nothing, then ask, seek, and knock again, and as many times as it takes to see the door open. Either you believe your answer is possible, or you do not. If you believe it is possible, then stay with it until it becomes your reality.