YouTube: Understanding the Wisdom of God

When we pray for guidance, we may envision God imparting special wisdom that will help us resolve a specific issue in our life. It is good to remind ourselves that one of the qualities of God is intelligence. To express more intelligence, we simply begin to affirm it. Affirming brings to our attention the truth that the fullness of divine intelligence is already present and is now directing our every action.

If you take a few moments to observe the living things growing around your house, you’ll see divine intelligence in action. If God guides a single blade of grass to grow successfully, think how much more the divine wisdom of God is guiding you.

Divine intelligence expresses through our life in orderly fashion. Jesus pointed out, The earth produces of itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear” (Mark 4:28). When we pray for the resolution to some issue, the temptation is to focus only on the full grain in the ear. We forget the blade and the ear comes first.

Of course, we do not know what our blade and ear are supposed to look like, so this may not be so helpful. However, our work is to state our desire then trust the wisdom of God to unfold the solution.

We also want to refrain from thinking of this process as God dealing us a hand of cards. Now we must figure out how to play them. It is more effective to simply check to see if there is some action we can take now. If so, we do that. If not, we commit to trusting that divine order is always in play. We allow ourselves to relax and go with the flow.

Emerson pointed out that every person “is the inlet and may become the outlet to all there is in God”. See yourself immersed in the intelligence of God, with this divine wisdom expressing through you in the best and highest ways imaginable. If frustration begins to creep in, remind yourself with affirmative statements that divine order is always at work unfolding your solution one step at a time. You know the resolution will come. Take the steps you need to take, trust the divine order of the process, and do your best to enjoy your life right now.