YouTube: The Power of Righteous Judgment

According to Jesus, our judgment is measured by the level of judgment we give. Using judgment in a righteous manner means being aware of our own biases, prejudices, and emotional reactions. It requires us to pause and reflect before making a judgment, ensuring that our perceptions are not clouded by external factors. Instead of reacting impulsively or with negativity, we strive to respond with compassion, understanding, and fairness. This involves considering the bigger picture and recognizing that everyone is on their own unique journey with their own challenges and circumstances.

We have all experienced someone’s anger directed at us, not because of anything we did, but because their attention was elsewhere. When we snap at others, we lose our power. Our judgment is influenced by the perceptions we project onto our present experience, shaping our reaction and diminishing our quality of life. 

Jesus recognized the significance of exercising judgment. He compared it to fishermen gathering different types of fish in their nets and separating the valuable ones from the undesired ones. If they don’t make a decision, they will be burdened with unnecessary fish.

Instead of fish, we are working with ideas. Do our thoughts and emotions enhance or diminish our quality of life? Our choice is not dependent on another, or on external situations. Our self-perception plays a crucial role in our decisions. A negative reaction shows vulnerability or defensiveness, indicating that we have moved from our center of power.

As we discussed last week, judging righteously means finding and returning to the steady state of our soul. We become upset because we have moved from our center of power. Instead of criticizing ourselves for making unfair judgments, we actively work towards returning to our stable core. By aligning our judgments with spiritual principles such as love, forgiveness, and empathy, we can contribute to a more harmonious and compassionate world. It is an ongoing practice that requires self-awareness, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth. Ultimately, by using our judgment in a righteous manner, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace and contribute to the greater good of ourselves and others.