YouTube: The Messianic Dynamic

It is apparent that the bulk of Jesus’ audience were common people, probably peasants. Between the temple tax and the Roman taxes they were forced to pay, the financial burden was nearly impossible to bear. In contrast, the Sadducees and many Pharisees led lives of luxury. For the average person, the greatest appeal of the Messianic hope was economic freedom. When the Messiah came he would eliminate the Roman problem and cleanse the corruption from Jewish leadership.

Despite what the Gospels tell us, I believe Jesus intentionally distanced himself from the title of Messiah. There were times when he told people not to tell anyone who he was. Scholars refer to this as the Messianic Secret. Associating himself with Messianic expectations would detract from the spiritual aspect of his message. He spoke of an inner kingdom but his audience was looking for economic, political, and religious changes. Pilate believed Jesus when he explained that the kingdom he represented was spiritual, not of this world. Had Pilate not been convinced he would have executed Jesus for treason.

Jesus said he came to bear witness to a truth that would set people free. Yet nothing happened. He came and went and everyone’s life remained the same. This is why the whole notion of a second coming took hold. What Jesus did not do in the past, he will return and do in the future. It’s all of God’s plan. The real appeal of the Messianic hope is its promise of a new age of eternal life and economic freedom.

Jesus did indeed accomplish what he came to do. He bore witness to a truth that people simply did not understand. They were looking for one thing while he was trying to show them another. The movement that followed his death totally missed the mark and continues to this day to do the same.  

Explaining how spiritual enlightenment can help one rise into a freer earthly experience is not an easy thing to do. Yet for those who have the ears to hear and the eyes to see, this is exactly what Jesus did. He tried to teach people how to invoke their own messianic dynamic.