YouTube: The Key to Overcoming Fear

I recently listened to the story a woman told of her childhood, explaining how she was taught to believe she was never enough. As she grew into an adult, she adopted the Christian faith as a way of making sure that she was enough to be saved and enter heaven. During a surgical operation she “died” and had an incredible near-death experience. What she learned was that she was not only enough, but she was also far more than anything she had ever imagined.

Most fear rises from the belief that we, in some way, are not enough. We don’t have enough faith, courage, knowledge, goodness, strength, or love to meet some demand. We note that this woman did not become enough to overcome her fear by practicing the teachings of a religion. She became enough by rising above her body-based self-image and seeing the truth of who she really was. She literally had to lose everything before she awakened to the reality that she was not given a spirit of fear but one of love and power.

The experience of fear is foreign to the soul. Most of us know what it is to be pushed to the point of not knowing what to do. And we most likely experienced fear with every step it took to get to this place. Then, almost unexpectantly, having lost hope, we discovered strength we did not know we had.

This brings us to an important point to consider. When we fear, we are, in one sense, protecting a weakness. When we find our true center of power, we turn the table on fear by expressing from a place of strength. The thing we need to remember is that this strength is inherent to our being. Like the woman who spent her early life believing she was not enough, we make the shift into realizing we are so much more. In other words, regardless of how things appear, we are enough right now. And the good news is that we do not have to have an NDE to find the strength to overcome any fear. We affirm it until we know it is true.