YouTube: The Intelligence Factor
Bringing the Intelligence of God into things that matter
According to Genesis, the first thing God created was light. “God said, ‘Let there be light.’” Because we associate light with intelligence, we understand the author saw intelligence as a fundamental part of the universe. John talks about the Word, and how the Word was light, and this light was the light of men.
The mystical tradition acknowledges this intelligence expressing from the center of our being. When Jesus said, “Let your light shine before men…” I see him reminding us to be true to the best and the highest that is in us. As we let the light of our true being shine, it makes our world a better place, not only for ourselves, but for the people who come into our light.
I have said that I do not believe Jesus was an apocalyptic prophet, one who acknowledges the corruption of the present era, and predicts a coming kingdom where all problems are solved. He spoke of an inner kingdom, a light that we can let shine in our world as it is. If you are in a dark room and you can see nothing around you, turn on a light and you see everything. The room is the same. It does not change. The light, however, allows you to see and experience the room in an entirely different way.
Imagine turning on the full power of the intelligence of God in this room you call your life! You would see your daily experience from an entirely different perspective. Rather than wait for a better life to come, you would see that better life is right where you stand. Like the angel of the Lord who said to the young Moses, “…put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground” (Exodus 3:5). When was the last time you thought of your life as holy ground?
How do we turn on this light of intelligence that will surely brighten our life? We follow the example of God and simply say, “Let there be light.” And when we say it, we think of this light of intelligence radiating through us in beautiful ways we can’t even imagine. To let there be light is not saying make the light of intelligence shine. We let go of all control and let the perfect intelligence of God shine through us in healing, creative, and prospering ways.
Thank you for this reminder!
You are welcome.