YouTube: Striking a Balance Between the Heart and the Head

In our Unity approach to the spiritual path, we refer to the need to find balance between the head and the heart. In this regard we think of thought and feeling and, in a larger sense, intuition and intellect. It is not unusual for people to confuse intuition with emotion, so it is good to revisit this subject occasionally. 

For me, Unity introduced a spiritual logic that had been missing from my religious indoctrination. We were told that when a teaching did not make sense, we needed to take it on faith. This is an appeal to emotion. You may not know why you are saved; just know you are. This may feel good emotionally, but the whole question of salvation is a puzzle to the head. What exactly do I need to be saved from?

In the world of judicial law, there is a term called process crime. This is a crime that is committed, not against another individual, but against the judicial system. Lying under oath, for example, is considered a process crime. In the world of mainstream religion, most references to sin should be understood as process crimes. That is, they are breaches defined by the religious system, not by Divine edict. The religious system declares that all people are sinners. This assumption may not be based on any specific acts of our own. All have inherited this condition through the actions of Adam and Eve.

Now let’s bring in the head. On the spiritual path we are moving toward the light of illumination. Jesus, in fact said, let your light shine. The question now becomes, am I letting my light shine or am I hiding it under a bushel? If we think of sin as missing the mark or falling short, the mark, from this perspective, is no longer a target set up by mainstream religion. The mark is whether or not we are letting our light shine. If we are not so bright today, we are not sentenced to hell. We simply are experiencing less light. This is not a divine condemnation but rather a passing state that has no impact whatsoever on the condition of the soul.

Spiritual logic is straight forward. You are already whole. Are you living as if this is true or have you mentally and emotionally fallen short of this truth? This is where we strike the balance between the head and the heart. The amount of light you let shine on any given day has nothing to do with the truth that you are an eternal expression of the light of God.