YouTube: Spiritual Truth

Just this week I ran into three different uses of the word truth. These were scientific truthreligious truth, and spiritual truth. Scientific truth is a conclusion reached by unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. As such, a scientific truth is subject to revision.

Religious truth, specifically that of the Christian genre, is considered true, not because it has survived the rigors of testing and experimentation, but because it’s in the Bible.

Spiritual truth is experiential in nature and is reported consistently through all ages and cultures, primarily through the mystical tradition. Imagine a person 10,000 years ago stepping outside on a sunlit day. Would they not describe the very experience you and I would have today? Spiritual truth is not based on today’s science or on any religion. It is based on the changeless light of spiritual reality.

Jesus, I believe, was committed to teaching spiritual truth. While his teachings sometimes disturbed the religious leaders, this was only because religious dogma was not expansive enough to encompass the true nature of God, and man’s relationship of oneness with God. Religion so often imposes rules of thought and behavior that simply do not apply to God as the underlying creative life force that permeates all aspects of the universe. The rule is, if you’ve been bad and you ask for a fish, you still get a fish. You’re not given a serpent for punishment. In other words, spiritual truth is changeless.

Scientific truth is warehoused in the papers, textbooks, the classroom, and the lab. Religious truth is warehoused in scripture, tradition, and houses of worship. Spiritual truth is an essential characteristic of the soul. You and I are living expressions of the life, love, power, and intelligence of God. As such, we have each incarnated to bring some unique gift to this planet that only we can give.  

The important thing to remember about spiritual truth is that it does not change with your mood or your understanding. You are a complete soul, a perfect expression of God. Even if you do not feel this truth at this moment, it will wait patiently for you to come along.