YouTube: From the Inside Out

In Unity, we talk a lot about the inner presence, the inner kingdom, inner peace, and so on. It’s easy to let a concept like this become such a cliche that it loses its power of meaning.

Eric Butterworth, one of Unity’s more prolific authors, suggested that we stop praying to God and start praying from the consciousness of God. Ideally, this would mean we have had enough of a spiritual awakening to know God as our center of power. If we have not yet had such an awakening, then our center of power is our faith that it is so. Our prayer is based on the expectation that God, unfolding through us, is now bringing about the highest and best solution to our situation. We assume that the power to change things is with us now and doing its perfect work.

In contrast, the outside in approach assumes God is somewhere separate from us and when we ask for help, we hope God will overlook our shortcomings and give us what we ask. We treat God as a super-capable person who responds to our request at his discretion.

See yourself as a fountain bubbling forth the life, love, power, and intelligence of God. Imagine this divine energy flooding into whatever concerns you, dissolving all fear, all doubt, all feelings of uncertainty about what you are to do.

The grapevine does not look to the outside for the fruit it bears. It does not ask to be given that which naturally come from within the vine. And so it is with us. Taking the inside out approach, we think of ourselves as the grapevine from which the grapes, our solutions, come. This does not mean that if you need more money, it will somehow appear from within you. It means that you’ll be inspired with an idea, or you will see some opportunity to generate the money you need. Be alert and be expectant that the answer you seek is bubbling forth through you at this very moment.

To shift to this inside out mode, take a moment to close your eyes, take a refreshing breath, and know your greater good is unfolding through you right now.