YouTube: Through A Glass Darkly

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

This passage came to mind when one of our regular viewers raised a series of questions that I know are on the minds of many in our audience. “How much are we bound by thought living in the human body? Do we actually omit any decision making from our soul? Are we here for a human experience viewing the world from the body’s perspective?”

The spiritual quest can feel like a hobby compared to the day job we have of living life in a physical body. Much of what we read and hear sounds good, but its practical value often crumbles in the face of “real-life” issues. Paul seems to think the day is coming when it will all make perfect sense.

I have said that I value near-death research because it gives us a glimpse into the consciousness of the soul, free of the confines of the body. The biggest complaint people have is that their return to their body strips them of the indescribable beauty and freedom of unbridled consciousness. One woman said she did not want to come back, but resigned to the notion that there must be something more she needed to learn from her human experience, though she didn’t have a clue what that was.

Many say we are here to learn to love, but then they say the love they experience on the other side is far greater than anything we experience here. How can we learn to love in such a way? We can’t. Those who experience this absolute love do not learn how to do it. Once the curtain of physicality lifts, they realize that a self-existent reality engulfs them entirely, independent of thinking, beliefs, learning, or any effort to evoke love.  

I do not have an answer to why we would choose to incarnate. The consensus seems to be that we had our reason, but we have forgotten. I fully believe that the spiritual teachings that appeal to us do so because we recognize something in them we already know at the deepest level. Our job is to keep asking, seeking, and knocking and the door will open. Then we shall know, even as we are known.