YouTube: What Are You?

We’ve all heard and probably used the phrase, “This is just the tip of the iceberg.” We mean that there is a lot more to a thing than meets the eye. The iceberg is, in fact, an appropriate graphic to use when we consider the nature of our being.

The iceberg exists in two worlds simultaneously. Scientists tell us that the proverbial tip that is above the ocean surface represents about 10% of the entire mass. The part that is submerged in the world of water represents about 90%. We can say the same about ourselves. Our surface, including our body and personality, only makes up 10% of who we are. The remaining 90% is our soul. It is powerful to visualize and meditate on this concept.

It’s probably fair to say that most people spend 90% of their time and energy thinking about the 10%, and 10% of their time and energy thinking about the 90%. Did we get this from our biblical teachings on tithing, where 10% goes to God? What would happen if we gave 100% of our attention to the 90%? I’m not suggesting we spend all our time in meditation. I’m suggesting we get in the habit of empowering ourselves with the image that we are a vast expression of God, poking our head into this three-dimensional world. What does it mean to be a spiritual being momentarily inhabiting this physical form? Armed with this awareness, what different choices can we make? What does this mean to the person I am in this moment?

What are you? You are a spiritual being manifesting through a physical body. The day will come when you will drop the body, but you will continue your experience. The “you” that you are will never cease to exist. This truth is an invitation to stop focusing on what you think is wrong with the 10%, stop trying to fix it, and affirm that 90% that lives beneath the surface of the material realm is what you are. And it’s doing just fine.

It is easy to understand how we mis-identify ourselves. That 10% sure looks real. Most NDE’rs come back telling us that the realm they momentarily plunge into is the real, that this 10% is but a shadow of what we are. Our true home is the infinite ocean that is God, and at this moment, the largest aspect of our being is fully alive and well in its incredible home.