YouTube: My Truth?

My truth. What does this mean? With 8 billion people on this planet, are we to assume there are 8 billion truths? I think not. There are 8 billion perceptions of Truth. If I am growing, my truth today will not be my truth tomorrow.

In my book on Meditation and Prayer, I suggest that the desire of God is unlimited expression. Perfection is not a state we reach; it is an attitude that allows for further growth. To be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect[1] is to be open to the Truth beyond my truth and your truth. By so doing, further expression is possible. God is not hindered by these walls we build but simply flows around them. It is we who are imprisoned.

The moment a person says, my truth, they are erecting a circular wall designed specifically to protect a weakness. And what is the weakness? Treating their current perception of truth as if it is sacred. To evolve a strength is to become willing to tear down this wall so the ongoing quest to know the freeing Truth may resume.

To honor another’s right to hold their truth is not the same as honoring their perception of truth. What if my truth does not align with your truth? Do we just ignore it, or do we discuss reasons why this alignment does not occur? If we are interested in growth, then we do not make an all-out effort to protect the wall, but rather to delve into the conflict, see what the sticking points are, and seek to understand why we have placed so much value on a perception that may change tomorrow. Truth, as one currently perceives it, should not be held as sacred. Only Truth beyond current perception is the sacred

For the one interested in spiritual growth, your truth today will not be your truth tomorrow. My truth and your truth are not sacred. These are only temporary views of eternal Reality. Only the Truth of this Reality is sacred. 

[1] Matthew 5:48