YouTube: Let There Be Light

Our fourth and final topic in the Advent series is intelligence, which manifests as order.

We’ve all seen patterns in nature such as the amazing design of the nautilus, the petals of a flower, or the colors of the rainbow. It is difficult to imagine there not being intelligence behind these orderly patterns.

Genesis opens with God saying, “Let there be light.” We know this is not a reference to the sun and moon because these come on the third day. The writer is affirming the presence of divine intelligence as a foundational aspect of reality. We should not think of intelligence as being created with this declaration, but only that the author is saying that intelligence is a fundamental aspect of God.   

Of the four spiritual resources—life, love, power, and intelligence—intelligence is one that is not equally expressed by all life forms. Its regulation appears to be tied to brain function. This apparently allows for endless diversity, with every species having the ability to successfully fill its own niche.

It is good for we humans to fully embrace the fact of infinite intelligence, especially when we are feeling at a loss for what we are to do next in our moments of uncertainty. We can affirm, let there be light, knowing that the full intelligence of God is responding even before we ask. Jesus alluded to the orderly aspect of intelligence when he said, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear (Mark 4:28). We affirm the intelligence of God is working through us now to establish favorable conditions in an orderly manner.

Because Advent is the lead-in to the mystical birth, or revelation of our own Christ consciousness, we can affirm that divine intelligence is very much alive and bringing to mind the right mental and emotional states that invite this higher awareness. This, of course, is not a seasonal aspiration, but the Christmas season reminds us of the spiritual truth we strive to express. As we affirm, Let there be light, let us do so knowing the light is already shining in full force at the center of our being. It is our privilege to let this light shine.