YouTube: The Attracting and Dissolving Action of Love

“Love draws to us that which is for our highest good and dissolves that which is not.”

J Douglas Bottorff

Week two in our Advent series addresses the spiritual resource of love. When we think of the attractive and dissolving action of love, it is good to put this idea into a specific perspective. Let’s think of love as we would think of the phenomenon known as sympathetic resonance. Let’s say we have a guitar sitting passively on a stand. On our synthesizer keyboard, we hold a sustaining A note. Soon the A string on the guitar will begin to vibrate. The notes above and below will remain passive.

When we make this statement, we are not really drawing or dissolving anything. All strings are still on the guitar. What we are affirming is a frequency, a level of expectation that enables us to see and experience the truth of our statement, and to tune in to the evidence that this is truly happening. If we say to this mountain, be cast into the sea, and do not doubt in our heart that this is so, we are establishing a specific frequency that prompts us to see the outworking in our life. This outworking may look different than we expect, which is why it is important to think of it as love in action. We are striking the A note, and we are setting the A string in motion.

Let’s change the metaphor a bit. You have a circumstance in your life that seems discordant. All the strings vibrate at once, a situation like that of an orchestra tuning before the performance. Affirming that love draws to you that which is for your highest good and dissolves that which is not is a way of silencing the chaos and beginning the performance.

We’re not rubbing a magic lamp. We are focusing on the truth of how love operates. We are becoming conscious that the greater good is now unfolding, while that which may be blocking this greater good (most likely some attitude) is now dissolving.