YouTube: Nothing Hidden

“Nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.”

Luke 8:17

This passage provides a good statement concerning the relationship between our everyday thinking and the condition and quality of our life. It really points to the importance of being true to your highest and best self.

If we are honest, however, we will admit that our everyday thinking does not always reflect the best self we aspire to be. This may be a concern if our most negative thoughts come to light as our experience. How do we deal with our mental and emotional shortcomings while maintaining hope for the best?

One insight I have gleaned from my NDE research is that during a life review, the experiencer is often given the opportunity to relive the best and the worst of what they have done. They not only recall the cringeworthy moments when they harmed another, they actually experience the feelings of those people. The same is true of the good they have done for others. The amazing thing is that the reviewer is not judged in any way for their actions, bad or good. They are their one and only judge.

What this very interesting observation suggests is that the way things come to light is not for the world to see, but for our eyes only. It is in some way brought to our attention. In this light, the following passage makes perfect sense:

For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and the measure you give will be the measure you get. Matthew 7:2

Everything that concerns us happens in real time, that is, in this now moment. Any pain we may inflict on another is brought to light as our current experience. The world may not see it, but we do. I cannot say how it is possible to experience such a detailed, full life review, but this is one of the most commonly reported features of the NDE so I have no reason to doubt that it happens.

We can engage in an exercise of conducting our own life review. In a contemplative manner, we can spend quality periods of time allowing our mind to drift over the good and not so good things we have done in our life. We do it for the purpose of bringing to light all pent up energy that could be weighing us down.