Click for audio: The Simple Prayer
One of my favorite Old Testament stories involves that period when Moses was leading Israel out of Egyptian bondage. The Egyptians, who had first agreed to let Israel go had a change of heart and decided instead to slaughter them all. Israel was caught between the Red Sea and the thundering army of Egypt. Panic set in and the people cried out to Moses. His response is what I will call the simple prayer, paraphrased here:
Fear not, stand firm and lift up your eyes to see the salvation that the Lord will work for you today.
You can see this statement involves three commands that can be stated in this way: 1) Release your fear, 2) stand firm in your conviction that greater good is now unfolding through this situation and 3) see the highest resolution to your situation unfolding now.
Releasing fear is probably the most challenging aspect of this prayer. Most of us are in such a habit of reacting in fear that we don’t realize there is another, more productive option. Fear is debilitating, as it shuts down our ability to do much more than react to immediate conditions which, in all likelihood, do not tell the whole story. A concerted effort to release fear opens us to new possibilities.
To stand firm is a conscious effort to know that the one presence and power of God is working through you now to establish a better situation. Do you believe this is possible? Affirm that it is and expect the way to open as you take each step forward.
Can you see the salvation you desire? Can you begin to feel the freedom you would know if your issue were resolved? This is what the third step reminds you to do. How would you feel if your Red Sea opened and the problems you now face were no more?
Take each part of this simple prayer to heart. Apply it to your situation now and see for yourself how things work together for your highest good.