Click for audio: In the World, Not of It

Part 3 of 6: Navigating from the Complete Soul

Father, I desire that they also, whom thou hast given me, may be with me where I am, to behold my glory which thou hast given me in thy love for me before the foundation of the world” (John 17:24).

When Jesus refers to the world, he is referring to the general, senses-based perception of reality to which most of us subscribe. We deem as real that which we see with the eye and hear with the ear. If it is true, as we saw last week, that we are spiritual beings having a human experience, does this mean that we are to treat as unreal all that comes to us through the senses?

Science presents its own version of the dilemma by stating that matter is 99.999% empty space. Does this mean when I crack my shin on the coffee table that it cannot possibly hurt, that gasp-inducing pain is simply an illusion?

The above passage does not deny our human experience. It reminds us of the spiritual foundation upon which our human expression rests. Jesus’ reference, “to be with me where I am,” is a way of saying that those who understand his message – whom thou hast given me – are awakening to the truth of their spiritual nature. This shift in self-perception is a vital key to developing a successful relationship to our external world.

Imagine that you have taken on your human body because you felt you had something important to give. Have you forgotten what this something is? Then look at the world you are in. What of yourself can you bring to this world right now? What of your genuine nature can you share in this day, in this moment?

To be in the world but not of it is not a denial of our body and our material surroundings and needs. It is to acknowledge the glory God is expressing through our soul, that we may bring it into this world that is ours alone to share.